Saturday, January 20, 2007

little boycott thing

I dont boycott American or anywhere else's products...heyya mesh bad idea, bas mosta7ila leyya anyway, so roo7o at3o ento...bas bagi 3and Dasani di ba2a w mesh bafham, laih anaffa3 Coca-Cola wana bashrab mayya...malha mayyetna !!! walla howwa habal ya3ni


Anonymous said...

boss ya qady,ana kaman zaie zaiiak mesh ba3raf a3mel moqat3a, bas nefsy ne2ate3 kol 7aga e7na mesh radien 3anha,el junk food , el pepsi, garaied el 7okouma,7atta el entekhabat law e7tagna ... yemken ye7esso barra (2aw gowwa) en leina ra2y...
N.B. maietna betgeeb fashal kalawey we dood keteer be 2nwa3 aktar we menha el nader (tab3an 3ashan egypt hiia ramz el tamaioz)

Mai Kamel said...

مأقنعتنيش يا احمد
لو مش هتشتري دزاني نقدر نقول قافش ع الشركة انما مش بتشربها عشان متنفعش كوكاكولا.. ياسلام يا اخي
لا معلش طلعت منك out المرادي

مش كل حاجة هتخضع لمبدأ
على فكرة انا كمان مش هعرف اقاطع هبقى اقولك ليه بعدين

Akef said...

law 7anqate3 (we deh 7aga i can't do now)
yeb2a el sabab mesh lazem yeb2a el 7arb we kedda
because all the forign named companies in egypt (pepsi,coca,arial,vodafone,mac)
are entirely egyptian companies where egyptian employees work there but they only bought the right to put the name
so law qate3naha yeb2a kedda bensharad nas we destroying the industry
if we want to
yeb2a neqate3 el 100% foreign companies
to raise our industry

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