Saturday, January 20, 2007

little boycott thing

I dont boycott American or anywhere else's products...heyya mesh bad idea, bas mosta7ila leyya anyway, so roo7o at3o ento...bas bagi 3and Dasani di ba2a w mesh bafham, laih anaffa3 Coca-Cola wana bashrab mayya...malha mayyetna !!! walla howwa habal ya3ni

The Earthquake Thing Contest : the results

The winner for cutest mosharka :


and the first runner-up

pic: little menna

The Winner for the funniest mosharka :


and the first runner up

pic: little osama

click the link for : el mosharkat el moshtareka :D

Cairo's Happy Days

This day last year, I was studying for a final exam, in the Stadium...yes, i just couldnt miss the big event..the opening of the African Cup of Nations...These days were just beautiful, everybody was so happy, 7atta el banat elli kano beyigo ma3ana w homma mesh 3arfin ya3ni aih offside - l7ad delwa2ti :D...el tadwir 3al tickets, meeting at Smiley's (put ur hands up shabab daraga tanya), painting our faces w buying ayy 7aga ne3mel dawsha biha w nbawwazha abl el game b arba3 sa3at masalan...w tab3an the after game at Korba ( i know im heliopolis biased - mesh shwayyet el 3arabeyyat elli maznoo2a 3al nil gamb el nadi fel zamalek walla midan el basha fel manyal homma elli haynafsoona ya3ni !

Im one of those ppl who just enjoy events, w bamoot f gaww el festivals...meen kan mawgood f yom el Korba, not the Heliopolis centennial, the other one in Ramadan...i loved that day, also the S.O.S ba3teberhom edafa....shereef 3akef kan bey2olli ennaha betfakkaro b ayyam kas afrikia bardo :D el zarif ba2a en next S.O.S hateb2a f zekra the Africa Final 9 February...lets all b there ba2a w nhayyas just like we did last winter ;)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

little earthquake thing (HILARIOUS COMMENTS)

Although I lived a quite interesting life as a child, I sometimes feel that I missed growing here in Egypt and sharing all the childhood experiences that my friends know when you start singing the old commercials and talking about the games you played at school..

One big thing that I missed was the 1992 Earthquake..I really wish I was there to witness that one :D I was there at college when they started talkin abt their earthquake memories..everyone seemed to have a cute little story about the day, Ranya was drawing, Karim seemed to enjoy it!! while Enji -in the middle of everything- was trying to know what "earthquake" meant !!

I actually enjoyed the chat :D Why dont everyone post their earthquake memory down here...Where were you and what were you doing when Cairo shaked ?



Saturday, January 6, 2007

a little christmas thing

I wanna wish all my Coptic friends out there a very happy Christmas...Rana, Rita, Rosmarie, Maryoum, Andy, Mina, Mike, Oussa, Sally, Rafik, Nagy, Nouna, all the ppl at Moody Graphics Shawkat, Maryan 1&2, Hany...and to ur families Merry Christmas..and to those who'r not on my mind this moment, matez3aloosh, Love you all guys w MATTA2ELLOOSH FEL LA7MA, MESH HAYEB2A EL BALAD KOLLAHA 3AL KHERFAN..7ARAM :D

Pepsi w 7alawa

Hey fellow cola addicts..there's one thing i think you can never drink pepsi with, El 7alawa!! It gives me that really irritating feeling !! If you tried it tell me, and if you didnt try it, go try it now and tell me bardo..

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

little time thing

There's something about me that I just cant stop !! Especially when studying the days before any test...I have to start any thing on clock marks 6.00 , 7.30 ... never 8.52 or 10.06 :D So when I decide to study I'll have to wait for one, if i get a phone call and then it's already past the hour mark when I'm done, it means I'll have to wait for at least until **.15 :S

Adaweyya's Concert

Bokra (Thursday) 7aflet Mohamed Adaweyya in ElSakya- Zamalek 8:30pm

little winter thing

photo: Cloud Pattern by Tristan Eaton

Some music is just made for walking alone in winter...which song do u think fits best for that mood ? I might suggest (mamas and the papas- california dreaming) maybe (scorpions-wind of change) and ofcourse (mohamed munir-edayya f gyoobi)...wut else...

Wet Sleeves

i hate it when water runs inside my sleeve when i wash my hands in winter. i've been really careful about that lately, lol

New Year's Eve vs. Christmas

Christmas is NOT new year's eve all u senseless egyptians out there !! christmas (celebration of the birth of christ) is on 25th of december or 7th january in eastern year isnt a christian celebration, go out and party ppl...and btw, all the tree and santa claus (papa noel) n all the colors n everything belong to christmas not new year's
I have more of these very old, cute New Year greeting postcards, i can send it to you...anyway i get most of my pix from

Eye Games

you're in the back seat of the car, u start playing with street lights, u may try to let it inside the window longest time possible...flipping between eyes to change things' location...doing the focus shift movie effect using only ur eyes...i do that all the time..who else enjoys eye games ??
Photograph: Paradise Lost-in Rain, Wind, and Speed by Scot Frei